Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Honor your mother. Vishaal Behl.

A Mother's Love..... Vishaal Behl.

The greatest gift that we receive
is not in a box or under a tree.
No, the greatest gift that we receive
is a Mother's love, enduring, free.
It comes to us through open doors,
through open smiles and open arms.
No other feeling fills our
soul and makes us feel we're not alone.
It's there in her steps as she walks
down the hall, it's there in her voice
when she answers a call,
It's there in her sighs when the world goes awry,
It's there in her prayers at the end of the day.
Her love is full and rich and giving, this love is never ending.
This much I know, this much I'll treasure,
The greatest gift that we recieve, is a
Mother's love, enduring, free...

I liked these words so thought of sharing .
Vishaal Behl.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Nothing is Impossible. Vishaal Behl.

Worry only gives you what you already have. Courage and word of God gives you the key to change your circumstances. Be strong in the Lord, and fight courageously any bad circumstances in your life. You will come out victorious.Amen !

1) In the beginning start doing those things which are important.
2) Than do those things which are possible and important too.
3) Next, FINALLY you will find your self doing those things ,which you had listed in your category of impossible.
Yes, have faith in The Lord, you can do all things through Lord.
The word IMPOSSIBLE it self says I-M-POSSIBLE.
Amen !
Vishaal Behl.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

"Why is Jesus Christ important to you? Vishaal Behl.

"Why is Jesus Christ important to you?" Here's one that stood out to us: "He gives me hope for the future, and forgiveness for my past. He is the voice in the back of my head telling me I can do it and to try harder. He has never left me alone even when I didn't deserve to have him there. He is love, he is faith, he is charity, he is everything good in this world, and everything that I want to be! He knows me, he loves me, and he has a plan for me and that's all I need." Amen !Vishaal Behl.

Interview Introduction - "Evangelist VIshaal Behl ". 


Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Be Victorious ! Vishaal Behl.

                   Victory IN Christ! Vishaal Behl.

Who is Jesus Christ?
He’s the Messiah, the only begotten Son of God, The Sinless Savior, the sinner's Friend, The Suffering Servant. He’s the Seeker, He’s the Saver, Lamb of God, Our Maker. He makes lepers leap, blindmen peep. He’s the Beginning and the End. He’s the downtrodden’s Friend. He heals the broken heart. He is the Start and the Finish, the Alpha and the Omega, and Everything in between. He makes broken hearts clean. He’s the Great I Am, the Prince Of Peace, Whose reign shall never cease. He’s the Son of man, He’s God’s Only Plan. He’s the Daystar and the Ancient of Days. He’s the Deliverer, and object of our highest praise. He’s Our Advocate with the Father, He’s our Great High Priest. He’s the Bishop of our souls. He’s the Author and Finisher of Our Faith. He’s the Head of Our body, He’s the Lover Of our souls. He’s the Word of life, He’s the Word of God. He is our Wisdom, our Sufficiency, our Friend, our King. He is the Way, the Truth, and Life. He is our Shepherd, He is our Bread. He is the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, He’s the balm of Gilead. He’s the true Light, the Light of the world, the Light of men, the Light of gentiles. The Bright and Morning Star, The Sun of Righteousness. He’s the Rock, The Refuge in the Storm. He’s the Intercessor, He’s The Mediator between God and man. He’s our Redeemer, and the Captain of our Salvation. He is Preeminent, He is August, He is Superlative, He is Beauty, He is Holy, He is Just, He is Perfect, and He came to this world to save you.

♫ "I searched for a way of escape
    From the prison of sin that held me.
    But the more that I tried, 
    The worse that it got.
    There was nothing I could do
    That would help me.
    But then I heard about a man named Jesus!
    Who had grace enough for me...
    A vast supply! 
    HE had grace sufficient... 
    The grace that I needed,
    HE had grace to save a sinner like me!
    Grace so amazing!
    The riches of HIS grace...
    Of this I'm UNDESERVING!
    But God in HIS mercy,
    Saved a sinner like me.
    I'm redeemed and forgiven!
    My sins are forgotten,
    Forever I'm pardoned...
    I'm free!!!!
    I'm free from the guilt of tomorrow,
    I'm free from the guilt of the past!
    For I've traded my shackles
    For a glorious song...
    I'm free...Praise the LORD!!!!
    FREE AT LAST!!!" 
You too can be Free at last. By excepting Lord Jesus as your God And Saviour. Amen !
Br. Vishaal Behl.

Friday, 13 April 2012

"Pray For Those Who Mistreat You”.. Vishaal Behl.

"Pray For Those Who Mistreat You”.. Vishaal Behl.

"Pray For Those Who Mistreat You”.

These are the words of our Messiah in Luke 6:28. I am sure we can all probably visualize a person or persons who have mistreated us in our past, last year, last week or even yesterday. It is a constant occurrence as we live in this world. It just cannot be avoided, so this is a call to continue and pray for those who mistreat us. As we ask the Lord to forgive us each day and keep short accounts with Him, we too need to give forgiveness to others who intentionally hurt us or perhaps unintentionally.

The enemy of our salvation would love for us to hold grudges, curse people who wrong us, be unforgiving and withhold our sincere heartfelt prayers for those who injure us, but the voice of our Avinu Malkenu speaks in a different way. He urges us to release the anger, disappointment, and hurt to Him where it is safe. Then we can pray for them selflessly and begin to see them through His spiritual glasses. Who knows? You might be the only one holding them up in prayer. Lord, help us to see these situations have heavenly opportunities in you….in Jesus name. Amen !
Vishaal Behl.


Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Hope in Jesus . Vishaal Behl.

                                                  JESUS IS THE ANSWER ! VISHAAL BEHL.

I am here to encourage others that there is hope for all of us if we are struggling with our needs. Let me tell you, drinking, doing drugs, smoking, gambling, abusing each other, taking advantage of others , lying, stealing, deceiving etc etc will not take us any where. Instead of being deceived by trying to satisfy our needs with all these behaviours, we are only making it worse for us. These things, will not solve our problems but keep us in bondage from being free. What are we here for? Are we really on this site so we can uplift each other or help each other?  Remember, pleasure for the moment will only end up hurting someone else. Do you love others as your own that you will want to protect them and not hurt them? Please respect each other and treat each other like you would want to be treated. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. 1Peter 5:6-8 
Except Lord Jesus as your God , Savior, every thing in life. Rest God will tale care of all. Amen !
Vishaal Behl.

Jesus is the answer.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Comfort to those who need it.Vishaal Behl.

Pastor Vishaal Behl\Evangelism., 

Praise The Lord !  I want to share in my love of the Lord. My purpose is to be a friend and be a source of comfort to those who need it. I will try to work through the Lord for guidance and prayer for you. I will use my skills as a nurse to help you through a tough time . Some how in my life there was always a little lift or a huge one when I needed it. Maybe a prayer or encouraging words.Even though things seemed impossible at times, I always knew that in the end it would come out okay because God never leaves us! During troubled times when you feel so alone, you're not. Remember there is always a Shepard by your side! Draw close to the Lord and He will draw closer to you! He has always been there, He is just waiting for you to see that He is in your heart already. Just reach out! So please feel free to contact me and I will keep you in my prayers!! God bless!

Vishaal Behl.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/OLO-Evangelism-VISHAAL-BEHL/319480461424491Vishaal Behl\Evangelist -Face book Page.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Have A Positive Mental Attitude. Vishaal Behl.

You have probably heard it said “Your attitude affects your altitude”. But what does that really mean? Let’s start with the meaning of the word attitude.

Attitude is a mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in a certain way.Always walk on the path of Lord. God All mighty will guide you.And show you the way.

There are four key words in this definition that are a clue to how to harness your attitude. These words are Beliefs, Feelings, Values, and Dispositions. All of these words have to do with your mental state of mind. Positive thinking alone doesn’t change you situation, but a positive mental attitude will cause you to do things differently, therefore changing your situation. Being positive is always a good way to think. You can take a person a long way if you start with a positive thought process. But mental attitude is far more powerful than just positive thinking. Let’s look at these four words I mentioned earlier and bring more clarity to the subject of having a positive mental attitude.

Belief is simply something you accept as true. It has nothing to do with truth, it’s just what you accept as truth. Many people believe things that are not true; for example, a kid might believe that a monster is in the room when the lights are turned off in spite of the fact that turning the lights out doesn’t change what’s in the room. Yet because they believe it does, they change how they act when the lights are turned out. They act afraid. Belief is a powerful thing as it pertains to your mental attitude. What you believe controls what you think, therefore controlling your mental attitude.
How do you feel about life, your future, and the circumstances you are facing?
Your feelings have a lot to do with your mental attitude. If you feel bad it could affect how you treat others as well as how you see yourself. Feelings can be deceptive if you misinterpret information in a negative way. Try doing things that make you feel good that are moral and don’t violate you values in life. Stop taking things so personal and start creating an environment of positivity. When you feel bad, know that things aren’t usually as bad as you feel. Like a child when they fall and bruise themselves while playing. They feel like the bruises will never heal, but sometimes when the parent kisses the bruise the child suddenly feels better. You can do the same when things feel bad, kiss the feelings with the thoughts of victory and watch your feelings change.
Your values play an important role in your life. If you value someone’s opinion, how they feel about you matters. You values are beliefs in which you have personal and emotional interest. If you value something you will do what you can to protect it. Place value in how you think and you will do what you can to think positive. Have positive values and your actions will go in a positive direction.
Your disposition is your usual mood and way of acting and dealing with things. When a person has a calm disposition, they will deal with challenges in a calm way. People who have a positive disposition see the positive in most every situation. This helps them to get through problems much easier than those with a negative disposition. If things in life seem to be going downhill, change you disposition and respond to the problem with the right mood.
Adjust your life in these four areas and make each area as positive as you can, and your mental attitude and outlook in life will go from a 4 to an 8, or from a 7 to a 10. The point is that the positive number will go up.
Be positive always, Believe and have FAITH in Lord Jesus. Amen !
God Bless All !

Vishaal Behl.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

True Revival. Vishaal Behl


True Revival is not a hype, but a lifestyle. It is river that flows from the throne of God and we simply jump in the river and flow with the river. Where ever the river goes we go. We are amazed to see the wonderful works of Jesus. We have seen now more than 4600 people give their hearts and lives to Jesus, bodies healed, demons casted out, people baptized in the Holy Spirit . Come on Jump in the river of Lord Jesus.Amen !
Brother Vishaal Behl.

About Me

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Vishaal Behl Abouts-As God has spoken to Vishaal to proclaim His Gospel to the ends of the nations. Vishaal says God heals people with his charm, and does amazing notable signs and wonders. He believes he has been chosen by God who is using him to bring healing to the sick, set the captives free, and bring Heaven to Earth. Vishaal believes there are many people who are completely broken in life and depressed, looking for the ray of hope. This young evangelist and his team prays for these people. Their prayers' are to reach the lost at any cost and bring them to Jesus. “It has been such an awesome journey to see people give their lives to Jesus. Jesus is the Answer.“ - Brother Vishaal Behl

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