Friday, 13 April 2012

"Pray For Those Who Mistreat You”.. Vishaal Behl.

"Pray For Those Who Mistreat You”.. Vishaal Behl.

"Pray For Those Who Mistreat You”.

These are the words of our Messiah in Luke 6:28. I am sure we can all probably visualize a person or persons who have mistreated us in our past, last year, last week or even yesterday. It is a constant occurrence as we live in this world. It just cannot be avoided, so this is a call to continue and pray for those who mistreat us. As we ask the Lord to forgive us each day and keep short accounts with Him, we too need to give forgiveness to others who intentionally hurt us or perhaps unintentionally.

The enemy of our salvation would love for us to hold grudges, curse people who wrong us, be unforgiving and withhold our sincere heartfelt prayers for those who injure us, but the voice of our Avinu Malkenu speaks in a different way. He urges us to release the anger, disappointment, and hurt to Him where it is safe. Then we can pray for them selflessly and begin to see them through His spiritual glasses. Who knows? You might be the only one holding them up in prayer. Lord, help us to see these situations have heavenly opportunities in you….in Jesus name. Amen !
Vishaal Behl.

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Vishaal Behl Abouts-As God has spoken to Vishaal to proclaim His Gospel to the ends of the nations. Vishaal says God heals people with his charm, and does amazing notable signs and wonders. He believes he has been chosen by God who is using him to bring healing to the sick, set the captives free, and bring Heaven to Earth. Vishaal believes there are many people who are completely broken in life and depressed, looking for the ray of hope. This young evangelist and his team prays for these people. Their prayers' are to reach the lost at any cost and bring them to Jesus. “It has been such an awesome journey to see people give their lives to Jesus. Jesus is the Answer.“ - Brother Vishaal Behl

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