Sunday, 5 May 2013

Vishaal Behl -"Finding Hope in Difficult Times"

Vishaal Behl- The chosen man of God !

Vishaal Behl Says -"Finding Hope in Difficult Times"

Hope means "to desire something with confident expectation of it's fulfillment." The state of Hopelessness has been aptly described as a type of "Hell on Earth" filled with endless despondency and despair.
Today, more and more people are finding themselves alone and depressed, and few of us have not at one time or another felt the sting of despondency and despair.
But Good news! Help is available, not the kind the world has wherein it wishes for the best. It is one thing to wish, and quite another to have faith based on the promises of God.
God is Our Source
Paul wrote that when you place your trust in God He will fill you with peace, joy, and assurance (Rom 15:13). Throughout the bible God proves His faithfulness to His people by leading them safely through, or delivering them from all their predicaments and troubles. He will never leave or forsake His people; His plans are to prosper, not to harm them (Jer 29:11).
People and things will always let us down. In Psa 33:17, the horse, often used as a symbol of power, is declared a vainhope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. In Jer 17:5 God sternly warns against placing our dependency in man, and calls it a curse.
God wants us to trust in Him. Psa 147:11 tells us that He is delighted when we put our trust in Him, and in Heb 10:23 we are told to rely on Him for He who promised it is faithful."
Finding Help
In order to reap the benefits of the Christian life and to have protection, guidance, and comfort from the Holy Spirit one must first be born again and become a child of God.
The born again child of God has the unique privilege of talking to, and hearing from God, but this, the greatest resource available, is often neglected. We should always pray! Even in the darkest moments, when you don't feel His presence, or think you will never smile again, pray anyway, because He is there; He is listening, and is an "ever present help in time of trouble" (Psa 46:1)
"He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us" (2 Cor 1:10).
When we place our faith in God and in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, we then trust Him to take us to Heaven. If we can trust Him with our eternity surely we can trust Him for our earthly/daily cares.
Jesus said that as God clothe's the grass of the field, so will He clothe us all the more. He tells us not to worry about what we shall eat or drink or how we will be clothed. The "heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things" (Matt 6:30-32)
"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him" (1 Cor 2:9).
Hope in Difficult Times
Even if you reach what you consider to be your lowest point, God's word say's He will never leave or forsake you (Matt 28:20). He will give you peace and comfort even in the worst of circumstances, then lead you through, over or around the muck and mire of your situation, and again set your feet on solid ground.
Our God is the God of new beginnings, and with Him nothing is impossible. Whether you are very young, or considered to be very old, trust in Him because with Him it is always just the beginning.
You may even find yourself in such a situation through divorce, death of a spouse, loss of health, finances, or whatever, that forces you to begin all over again, but is that so bad? Trusting God in difficult times forces us to seek His guidance, and to trust in Him.
Trusting God through these uncharted waters takes faith and courage but is worth every effort. The path of His choosing is the only one that leads to true happiness,
Isn't this a wonderful promise "...those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" (Is 40:31).
Even in the Worst of Situations
Jesus is Our Solid Rock
Christians often find a depth of peace that passes understanding during times of crises and trials; times that may even drive others to drink or suicide. This is the blessed comfort of the Holy Spirit who indwells each and every born again believer.
Through Him, even in the midst of terrible devastating and humiliating experiences we can have the peace, joy, and hope that passes all understanding (Phil 4:7). God's promises can be our genuine source of hope that does not disappoint.
Hope for Eternity
Jesus is our solid rock, and because of Him death is not the end! Even when we are carried by the angels to our glorious home in Heaven we can know that He is with us, and that it is just the beginning!
Claim His promises for it is in His promises you will find everlasting life and confident hope. "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ" (2 Cor 1;20).
"Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God" (Psa 42:5)
Amen !!!!

1 comment:

  1. Claim His promises for it is in His promises you will find everlasting life and confident hope. "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ" (2 Cor 1;20).
    "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God" (Psa 42:5)
    Amen !!!!


About Me

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Vishaal Behl Abouts-As God has spoken to Vishaal to proclaim His Gospel to the ends of the nations. Vishaal says God heals people with his charm, and does amazing notable signs and wonders. He believes he has been chosen by God who is using him to bring healing to the sick, set the captives free, and bring Heaven to Earth. Vishaal believes there are many people who are completely broken in life and depressed, looking for the ray of hope. This young evangelist and his team prays for these people. Their prayers' are to reach the lost at any cost and bring them to Jesus. “It has been such an awesome journey to see people give their lives to Jesus. Jesus is the Answer.“ - Brother Vishaal Behl

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