Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Vishaal Behl - Are you saved and going to heaven?

 Vishaal Behl -  Are you saved and going to heaven?

Vishaal Behl asks -Are you saved and going to heaven? This is a very important question and probably one that most people ask at some time in their life. To understand God's plan for our salvation we need to look at the Bible. In this article I will look at a number of verses that help us to understand how to be saved, but first I will look at what salvation is.

What is salvation..........<< Click To pray with Vishaal Behl.

When the Bible talks about salvation it touches on two main areas.

  1. Being rescued from the penalty of sin - which means death and eternal separation from God.
  2. Being in right relationship with God - both now in this life and for all eternity.
In the Bible we see that when Jesus came and died on the cross, He came to pay the price or our sin. He took the punishment that was rightfully ours. His death opened the way for us to be forgiven of our sin and to be brought back into a right relationship with God. In a future tense it means that those who put their faith and trust in Jesus will spend eternity with God.

How does someone find salvation?

The following verses are taken from the Bible and give us an understanding of God's plan for salvation. They tell us of our condition through God's eyes, they tell us of God's great love for us and they tell us that God has provided a way for us to find salvation through Jesus Christ. Please read the verses carefully and I pray that God will reveal His plan for your personal salvation today.

Romans 3:23 - "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".

Many of us feel we live good lives and mostly we do. The problem is when we say this, we are measuring ourselves against our standards, not the standards God has set in place - the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17 )

1. Do not worship any other gods besides me. 
2. Do not make idols of any kind.
3. Do not misuse the name of the LORD your God. 
4. Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5. Honor your father and mother. 
6. Do not murder. 
7. Do not commit adultery. 
8. Do not steal. 
9. Do not testify falsely against your neighbor. 
10. Do not covet. 
If we are honest and we take a moment to read through them, it doesn't take much to see that everyone has broken at least one of them at some time of our lives. God says that if we break one of them, we are guilty of breaking them all (James 2:10).Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".

The punishment for sin in the Bible is very clear - death and eternal separation from God in hell . All of us will live for eternity, but we will not all go to heaven. Hell is not just reserved for all those who are murderers and rapists, but for all those who do not believe in Jesus Christ. John 3:18 says, "Those who believe in Him (Jesus) are not condemned, but those who do not believe in Him stand condemned already". We need to choose where we spend eternity and this is done by accepting God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

How can I receive Christ?                                                                                                               Is there any  reason why you can not receive Jesus Christ today? Why not accept Jesus Christ into your life and be assured of your salvation? Receiving Christ is as simple as praying a short prayer. You can pray the following prayer to accept Jesus right now.

Dear Lord Jesus,                                                                                                                                 I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness. I believe that you are the Son of God, I believe that You died on the cross for my sins, I believe that You rose back from the dead. I repent for all of my sins. Please forgive me. Lord please wash me with your Blood. Jesus come in my heart, come in me and live your life in me and through me.I surrender myself completely to you. Make me born again. From this moment on and forever I belong to you Jesus. Jesus you are my Lord, my God and my Savior. I will serve you forever. Thank you for forgiving me and making me your child. In Jesus name I Pray Amen!-if you just prayed this prayer sincerely, the Bible tells us that you now have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and can know without doubt that you will spend eternity in heaven with Him.What to do now?Congratulations. Now you are a part of the family of God. Join a Bible believing Church, which believes in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Jesus). Talk to a pastor and be in regular fellowship. Attend Church regularly. Get a Bible and start reading it. When you read the Bible ask the Holy Spirit to be your teacher. Blessings .  VIAHAAL BEHL.<< Click to pray along with Vishaal Behl.

About Me

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Vishaal Behl Abouts-As God has spoken to Vishaal to proclaim His Gospel to the ends of the nations. Vishaal says God heals people with his charm, and does amazing notable signs and wonders. He believes he has been chosen by God who is using him to bring healing to the sick, set the captives free, and bring Heaven to Earth. Vishaal believes there are many people who are completely broken in life and depressed, looking for the ray of hope. This young evangelist and his team prays for these people. Their prayers' are to reach the lost at any cost and bring them to Jesus. “It has been such an awesome journey to see people give their lives to Jesus. Jesus is the Answer.“ - Brother Vishaal Behl

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