Sunday 25 March 2012

A great awakening Vishaal Behl.

A great awakening has begun in the world, now in the state of Oregon. Vishaal Behl.

We are seeing the miracle of salvation happening as God’s people are becoming addicted to obeying the Great Commission to “Go”. People by the hundreds, and soon to be the thousands are going out and sharing the good news of Jesus and what He has done for them throughout the Portland region, and rapidly throughout our state. Check out to see the exciting things that are happening.

The fruit is literally falling off the tree! We have not seen these kinds of numbers coming to Christ since the Jesus people movement in the 60’s and early 70’s.

Every day, the most amazing testimonies are coming in of how sharing the simple gospel is changing people’s lives, with miracles, signs and wonders following! And the most awesome thing about this, is it doesn’t matter whose label is over the door of the church, this is something for the body of Christ throughout our cities, to come together in unity, and as a regional strike force to set at liberty the captives and the opening of the prison and the eyes of those who are bound. Isa.61:1-3

We are using a simple script as a basic guide (that works so powerfully), which we learned from the ministry of Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne in Tampa, Florida. You can download those tools for yourself here.

Now people from all over the state are calling us and asking how they can bring this fire to their church and city. We have already trained teams from Hood River, The Dalles, Vancouver, McMinnville, Salem, Beaverton and more are continually scheduling to come.
Vishaal Behl.

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Vishaal Behl Abouts-As God has spoken to Vishaal to proclaim His Gospel to the ends of the nations. Vishaal says God heals people with his charm, and does amazing notable signs and wonders. He believes he has been chosen by God who is using him to bring healing to the sick, set the captives free, and bring Heaven to Earth. Vishaal believes there are many people who are completely broken in life and depressed, looking for the ray of hope. This young evangelist and his team prays for these people. Their prayers' are to reach the lost at any cost and bring them to Jesus. “It has been such an awesome journey to see people give their lives to Jesus. Jesus is the Answer.“ - Brother Vishaal Behl

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